A significant update has been implemented in Old School RuneScape which has been revealed on Winter Summit 2024, marking the most substantial change to mid-level bossing in the past decade by adding Scurrius OSRS.
Scurrius, the Rat King, is a mid-level boss located in the Varrock Sewers. It is a challenging boss that offers a variety of rewards, including big bones, raw rat meat, adamant platebodies, runes, and rare drops such as Scurrius’ spine, Scurry, and a Curved bone which will all be talked about in the Scurrius OSRS guide more in depth.
How to find Scurrius OSRS?
Scurrius can be found in the Varrock Sewers, just north of Varrock Square. To get there, enter the sewers from the manhole near the east side of Varrock Square.
Gear Setups
The following are recommended gear setups for fighting Scurrius, depending on your combat level:
Melee: Weapon: Rune scimitar or Dragon Scimitar
Amulet: Strength amulet
Cape: Obsidian Cape
Ring: Ring of Recoil or Berserker Ring
Bracelet: Combat bracelet
Armor: Granite body, granite legs, Rune boots
Shield: Toktz-ket-xil or Rune Defender
Helm: Rune full helm or Berserker helm
Food: Tuna or Swordfish
Potions: Prayer potions, Super attack potions, Strength potions
Ranged: Weapon: Magic Shortbow (i)
Ammo: Rune Arrows
Amulet: Amulet of Glory
Cape: Ava’s Accumulator
Ring: Ring of Recoil
Bracelet: Best in slot Vambraces
Armor: Best in slot d’hide body/chaps you can wield, snakeskin boots or Shayzien boots (5)
Helm: Archer helm or Helm of Neitiznot
Food: Tuna or Swordfish
Potions: Prayer potions, Ranged potions.
Weapon: Iban’s staff or Smoke Battlestaff
Amulet: Amulet of Glory
Cape: Obsidian Cape
Ring: Ring of Wealth
Bracelet: Combat bracelet
Armor: Full Mystic
Shield: Malediction ward
Food: Tuna or Swordfish
Potions: Prayer potions, Magic potions
Mid-level (70-90 combat):
Weapon: Abyssal whip or dragon scimitar
Amulet: Amulet of Fury
Cape: Obsidian Cape
Ring: Berserker Ring (i)
Bracelet: Rune Gloves or Barrows Gloves
Armor: Bandos Chestplate or Fighter Torso, Bandos Tassets or Dragon Platelegs, Dragon Boots
Shield: Dragon Defender
Helm: Neitznot Helm or Obsidian Helm
Food: Sharks or better
Potions: Prayer potions, Super combat potions, Super strength potions
Weapon: Karil’s Crossbow or Toxic blowpipe
Ammo: Runite Bolts or better
Amulet: Necklace of Anguish or Amulet of fury
Cape: Ava’s accumulator
Ring: Archer’s Ring (i)
Bracelet: Barrows Gloves or Black d’hide vambraces
Armor: Void top, Void robe, Ranger Boots
Helm: Void ranger helm
Food: Sharks or better
Potions: Prayer potions, Ranged potions
Weapon: Trident of the swamp or Trident of the seas
Amulet: Amulet of Fury or Occult necklace
Cape: Obsidian Cape or Imbued god cape
Ring: Seers Ring (i)
Bracelet: Tormented bracelet or Barrows gloves
Armor: Ahrim’s robe top and bottom, Infinity boots
Helm: Ahrim’s Hood
Shield: Mage’s book
Food: Sharks or better
Potions: Prayer potions, Magic potions
Most Efficient Weapons
Once you’ve acquired the specialized rat-slaying weapons like the Bone mace, Bone staff, and Bone shortbow, they will prove to be your most effective tools against this monstrosity. You need to combine a rune mace, a battlestaff, or a yew shortbow with an untradeable Rat Spine to create the Bone mace, Bone staff, or Bone shortbow.
The Rat Spine is a rare drop from Scurrius OSRS, the Rat King. Bone mace: Requires level 35 Smithing to Combine and 50 Attack to wield.
Bone staff: Requires level 35 Crafting and 1,000 Chaos runes to Combine and 50 Magic to wield.
Bone shortbow: Requires level 35 Fletching to Combine and 50 Ranged to wield.
Alternatively, you can pay Historian Aldo a fee of 50k to create the weapon for you if you don’t have Smithing, Crafting or Fletching.
Scurrius OSRS Phases
Phase 1: Melee Assault
Scurrius’ main attack during this phase is melee, so you’ll need to stay close and use Protect from Melee to reduce damage. He also has a special attack where he jumps in the air and slams his tail on the ground, causing a shockwave. Avoid the shockwave by moving away from Scurrius when he jumps.
Phase 2: Ranged/Magic Warfare
Scurrius alternates between ranged and magic attacks in this phase, so you’ll need to switch between Protect from Ranged and Protect from Magic to mitigate damage. He also spawns giant rats, which you can kill quickly with rat bone weapons.
Phase 3: Healing Hindrance
Scurrius attempts to heal himself in this phase by eating food. You need to deal enough damage to prevent him from healing fully. This phase is a good opportunity to use a cannon or chinchompas to maximize damage output.
Strategies for each Phase
Phase 1: Melee
In this phase, Scurrius will primarily use melee attacks. You will need to use Protect from Melee to mitigate damage. Scurrius will also occasionally use a special attack where he will jump into the air and land on the ground, causing a shockwave that will damage players around him. You can avoid this attack by moving away from Scurrius when he jumps into the air.
Phase 2: Ranged/Magic
In this phase, Scurrius will switch between ranged and magic attacks. You will need to use Protect from Ranged or Protect from Magic to mitigate damage from the corresponding attacks. Scurrius will also spawn a group of giant rats. You can kill these rats quickly by using a rat bone weapon.
Phase 3: Healing
In this phase, Scurrius will eat food to heal himself. You will need to deal enough damage to Scurrius to prevent him from healing himself. Scurrius will also spawn a group of giant rats. You can kill these rats quickly by using a rat bone weapon.
Scurrius OSRS boss is a fun and challenging that is a good option for mid-level players. With the right gear and strategy, you can easily defeat Scurrius and earn some valuable rewards.
Scurrius OSRS Drop Table 

Strategies for Different Combat Styles
Stay close to Scurrius and use Protect from Melee to mitigate damage.
Be aware of Scurrius’ shockwave attack and move away when he jumps into the air.
Stay at a distance from Scurrius and use Protect from Ranged to mitigate damage.
Kill the giant rats quickly to prevent them from distracting you.
Stay at a distance from Scurrius and use Protect from Magic to mitigate damage.
Use a magic spell that is effective against Scurrius’ weaknesses.
Kill the giant rats quickly to prevent them from distracting you.
Tips for Scurrius OSRS Beginners
If you are a beginner, it is recommended to use a cannon or chinchompas to kill the giant rats. This will make the fight much easier.
Stand in the middle of the arena during the ranged/magic phase to avoid getting hit by the falling rocks.
Be sure to use Protect from Melee, Protect from Ranged, or Protect from Magic when appropriate.
Do not be afraid to use food to heal up.
Practice the fight a few times before trying to solo it.
Tips for Experienced Players
Experienced players may be able to kill the giant rats without using a cannon or chinchompas.
You can try to lure Scurrius into the falling rocks to damage him.
If you’re a newbie player looking for a challenging yet rewarding boss fight, Scurrius OSRS, the Rat King, is the perfect challenge for you. With proper preparation and strategic execution, you can conquer Scurrius and reap the rewards of valuable loot and valuable mid-level bossing experience.
As you progress, consider Buying or Selling gold at EZRSGold. Secure and reliable services make it easy to purchase the gold you need to buy the best gear, potions, and supplies for your adventures. Since you will be making GP also why not sell some GP and turn it into real-life cash.
Remember, with dedication and the right tools, even newbie players can achieve great things in RuneScape.
Happy bossing from EZRSGold!