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Author Archives: danielius

Best Old School RuneScape Clients

Have been playing Old School RuneScape for years the same way you first started? Maybe you would really like to see more data on-screen and not in your skills tab? Or maybe you need help sifting through the loot? We have something for you – best OSRS clients which you definitely need to try out and maybe you will find what you sought for so long.

OSRS Mobile Reviews

Full version of OSRS Mobile has been launched not too long ago, but with open and closed betas it has been nearly six months now. Full launch has brought much excitement among players as well as a lot of players themselves, both green and seasoned veteran. And all of these players have their perspective on the game.

New OSRS Skill: Warding

Old School RuneScape is receiving a new hot feature! If you thought raids were cool, check out this – warding, a new SKILL introduced into OSRS. Unlike your typical content addition, which can be viewed as a new brick in the OSRS house, this is a brick that fills in a gap should have been there all along!