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BoglaGold & ArcusGold shut down by Jagex

 Where should you buy your RS gold now?

If you are looking for a new place to sell or buy both OSRS and Runescape 3 gold try – we have been in business for 4 years and have lots of positive reviews. Use code EZ for 3% more gold!

What happened to BoglaGold & ArcusGold

As you are probably aware, Jagex recently closed down one of the biggest Runescape gold selling websites – BoglaGold & ArcusGold. These websites decided to close down due to Jagex threatening them with legal action. If you are not aware of the situation I recommend watching a video by FlippingOldschool that very briefly explains the situation – video at the bottom of the page.

A reddit post was also made highlighting these news – click here – to read to see what reddit has to say about this.

One of the mods also left a commend in said post.

Jagex mod comments on reddit about Bogla and Arcus gold being closed. You wont be buying or selling Runescape gold or accounts there.


These websites had a lot of customers and most of them are looking for a new service provider, but beware – there are a lot of shady websites out there!

One in particular is called

This website copied boglagold’s layout and is scamming people out of their hard earned money.

To this day people are leaving bad reviews almost daily in boglagold’s trust pilot, because they got scammed in a fake website.

Here are the reviews:

Bogla gold shut down, don't buy or sell gold on this fake website that has bad reviews



There is no excuse for this website to tarnish a reputation of once legit website and scam so many people out of their heard earned money! Beware of this website. Read this guide to protect yourself from scams when buying gold.

Jagex has a history of suing and shutting down websites, mainly the ones in the botting industry, so after they closed down a gold selling websites people got confused as to why it would happen, as most players buy their gold.

With these gold selling websites gold a lot of people will be searching for a new gold shop and a lot of people found us. We are trusted in the community and do our best to deliver your orders as fast as possible. Here are our reviews.


And heres the video we promised at the beggining of the article.

Thank you for reading!

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